“Art is to adults as play is to kids” - Brian Eno 

Soulful Headdresses is playing to create, is expressing oneself, is releasing stagnant energies through art. An image speaks a thousand words and that is what we are creating with a headdress and an outfit that represents us here and now. Who doesn't have some kind of conflict with hegemonic beauty canons and their self-image?

Let's do it! 

Open the drawers of memories, and find those objects with a high emotional meaning that never see the light of day.And then go to the closet and look for those clothes or accessories that you love, but that you never wear. What do all these little gems hide or reveal in your life? In the workshop you will find out, with the complicity of the group. And with the energy that all this generates, we will go out into the streets to perform, to demand and to share with the public our joy with change.

“Transforming breaks the feeling that we are not mass-produced”